
Coping as the only child!

Being the only child has many advantages. One of those advantages is that you can handpick your close companions with the approval of your parents even when other of your peers find it very difficult to get along with their own siblings. You would even have more time for study, meditation or development of certain skills or talents. Another advantage is that you will have the total attention of your parents. But still when it is too much or excessive, it could make you self-centered. Therefore, parents should learn how to show balance in rendering their attention because it will help you to mature quickly and feel safe whenever you are around adults. But still, the danger of being selfish is very high. To reduce it, You 1. Must learn to always share your things with your friends and relatives. 2. Develop an eye for the needs of other people and 3. Offer them help whenever needed. If you do, people will appreciate you, thereby making your life as the only child far fr...

Finding true lasting friends now!

Here are 26 things that can help you detect a true friend. (A)- Accepts you as you are (B)- Believes in "you" (C)- Calls you just to say "HI" (D)- Doesn't give up on you (E)- Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) (F)- Forgives your mistakes (G)- Gives unconditionally (H)- Helps you whenever you need help  (I)- Invites you over (J)- Just "be" with you (K)- Keeps you close at heart (L)- Loves you for who you are (M)- Makes a difference in your life (N)- Never Judges you  (O)- Offers support (P)- Picks you up (Q)- Quiets your fears (R)- Raises your spirits (S)- Says nice things about you (T)- Tells you the truth when you need to hear it (U)- Understands you (V)- Values you (W)- Walks beside you (X)- Xplains things you don't understand (Y)- Yells when you won't listen and ( Z)- Zaps you back to reality. Yes! You can find a true friend in this wicked world we leave in. Jus...

Is it ever possible to remain chaste while dating?

During the period of dating, many youths engage in activities that are not chaste, thereby engaging in premarital sex. That is why we (STARS eMPIRE) has decided to provide you with 8 clear ways to stay chaste while dating. We hope you will make good use of these practical suggestions. 1. Avoid situations that always leads to petting and necking.  2. Do not date alone. Date in groups or you could possibly go on a chaperon.  3. Keep an upbuilding conversation  4. At the beginning of the dating period, tell your partner about your attitudes regarding the limits on expressions of affections.  5. Do not dress provocatively and avoid provocative actions or comments  6. Do not keep long nights  7. Stick to an early curfew  8. If your chastity is in a dangerous position, request or ask POLITELY that you be taken home.  Do not engage in sex premaritally. IT IS DANGEROUS!!! Keep your chastity until marriage when you’...


If someone hurts you, just take precautions but don't decide to act in a way that will hurt him or her too. In life, many persons pursue happiness while others try to create it. In whatever you do, let your conscience be your guide. Just because the world is wicked doesn't mean you have to be wicked too, and just because someone hurts you doesn't mean you have to hurt or revenge. Be free with everyone, be forgiving, and be a friend to others. Revenge is meant for fools, but forgiveness is meant for wise persons. Do not be a fool just because of the behaviour of someone, rather be WISE and FREELY FORGIVE. The choice is up to you!

Getting over a crush- Part 1

One dictionary defines a crush as ''the strong feeling of love, that usually does not last very long, that a young person has for somebody older''. In today's world, crushes are very common such as sunlight is to the sky. Only a few percentage of teens are able to successfully pass on to adulthood without getting their pride and sense of humor contaminated. Crushes are usually frustrating ang will take you NOWHERE! Although crushes are normal, they could become immoral or improper when we are not careful. Crushing on someone is one of the many desires which occur in a teen as a result of growth. Everyday, humans most especially teenagers, tend to remove old desires and replace them with new and powerful ones. No matter how long the crush lasts, it can cause a lot of damage to the person involved. For one thing, many objects of teenage affection are simply not worthy of esteem. Remember that God does not want you to jeopardize our relationship with him. There...

What about casual sex?

Many youths today boast of having casual sex with nothing behind it, while others have people whom they turn to for sex. But one thing we need to ask ourselves is ‘is there any harm in engaging in casual sex?’ Casual sex is harmful because it displeases God. Saying no to the snares of engaging in casual sex is very important. Be decisive. Think: What will be the consequences when I engage in casual sex? Are they devastating? How would others feel about me when i engage in casual sex? Therefore, work on your inner qualities. The better you are as a person, the better kind of people you will attract. Do not allow casual sex soil your good reputation with others. If you engage in casual sex, you are like a golden chain that has been cheapen. Do not cheapen yourself because of casual sex, wait until you are married when you will have the full opportunity to engage in it, this time not as casual but as ordained. Do not let yourself be ‘used’ for another persons instant gratification. Take c...

Am i ready to date?

Sometimes, the urge to be with someone you see as special and someone who sees you as special is very strong, most especially when you are young. But, what is dating?, how can you know that you are ready to date? and when can a start to dating? Dating is any activity usually social, in which your romantic interest is focused on one person of the opposite sex and the interest of that person is also focused on you. But how can you know that you are ready to date? To answer this question you have to first know your purpose for dating. Ask yourself: Is my purpose of dating honourable that is, to help me determine my marriage mate? Or is it casual that is, just being with a member of the opposite sex without any intention of getting married? If your purpose is casual, you are like a child who plays with a new toy today and then discards it tommorrow. By doing so, you are preparing yourself for d...